
Tone + Medium, Offering Magic In The Form Of Cosmetic Tattoing

I’m Tracy, and I spent the bulk of my adult life learning how to adapt and evolve. 
Adapting and evolving is exactly what Tone + Medium is made of. Beginning with the name BrowSpell Microblading, the services and skill set expanded and a new all-encompassing brand identity was born.

Tone + Medium, LLC

tone /tōn/

the particular quality of brightness, deepness, or hue of a tint or shade of a color

medium /mēdēəm/

the materials or methods used by an artist, a substance regarded as the means of transmission, a mode of artistic expression or communication, material or technical means of artistic expression (such as paint and canvas, sculptural stone, or literary or musical form)

With a background in traditional body art tattooing, I dreamed of a time I could share my love of that craft and combine it with the spa-like experience. I hoped to be able to bring just enough edge to that spa-like experience so that I could help add to one’s inner badass!

So I spent the last few years adding to my decades of tattooing experience and I become certified in Microblading, Powder Brows, and Combo Brows, Lip Blush, Color Correction and Coverup, Saline Removal, and all the skills needed to be a well rounded and seasoned cosmetic tattooer. I am currently enrolled in a 600 hour esthetics program to bring even more knowledge to my practice. This is where I throw in a hashtag right? #foreverstudent

I’d love to meet you. I’d love to hear all about how you’ve adapted and evolved…over the last few months, few years, or even few lifetimes. 

Reach out, let’s find your dream look. Let’s save you some time, some effort, some money.
Let’s make some ✨magic ✨

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