Read all about how to care for your new permanent cosmetic tattoos. Remember that you should follow the directions OF THE ARTIST WHO PERFORMED YOUR SERVICES and not take advice from a rando on the internet or your pal from wherever.
Do. Not. Take. Advice. From. Anyone.

Except the artist who did your tattoo.


Day of treatment:

 With medium pressure, blot the area with clean tissue to absorb excess lymph fluid. Do this every 5 minutes for the full day (or evening) until oozing has stopped. Removing this fluid prevents the hardening of the lymph, thus helping to prevent scabbing. Blotting is key! 

Days 1-10 (until scabbing stops):

 Gently rinse your eyebrows each morning and night with water and the soap provided. With a light touch, use fingertips covered in soap to gently cleanse the eyebrows. Rub the area in the direction of the hair for 10 seconds and rinse with water ensuring that all soap is rinsed away. To dry, gently pat with a clean tissue or air-dry.

Do not use any cleansing products containing acids (glycolic, lactic, or AHA), or any exfoliants. ONLY USE THE SOAP PROVIDED NO EXCEPTIONS

Apply a rice grain amount of the ointment provided with a cotton swab and spread it across the treated area only as needed. Be sure not to over apply as this will suffocate your skin and delay healing. The ointment should be barely noticeable on the skin. Never put the ointment on a wet or damp tattoo. You may use the provided lotion in the same manner – SPARINGLY- after the ointment is gone, but only if your brows are itchy.  Do not rub or pick at your brows. This can cause scarring, blurring, and/or infection. Should there be any scabbing, let them fall off naturally.  Aside from your daily gentle washes as noted above, do not soak your brows in water until healed (ex. Bath tub, sauna, pool, or hot tub). Showers and fine, but limit them to 5 minutes to prevent too much steam around the brow area.● Avoid facials, chemical treatments, laser and BOTOX for 2 weeks.


After the procedure, expect some tightness and sensitivity–this is due to swelling and natural collagen formation. Lips do form some natural collagen as part of their local inflammatory response. This may last a few days.


As with all other procedures, stay out of the sun! Minimize dryness as much as possible by using your provided lip balm/ointment. Apply lip balm/ointment that was provided to your lips whenever they feel dry with a clean cotton swab. NOT your fingers, this may cause a secondary infection. Be mindful of toothpaste as it may irritate your lips and interfere with the healing process. Do not use any beauty or facial creams on your lips. Be gentle with your lips for the next few days, they will be prone to dryness and swelling (due to some natural formation of collagen after the procedure), and may crack easily. We suggest that extra care be taken while eating, drinking, kissing, etc during the healing process to prevent any damage to your lips. Cut food into smaller bites and use care when taking bites. Acidic, oily, salty foods and alcohol may sting to consume until your lips are fully healed—avoid them if you can. You may drink all liquids through a straw during the first 72 hours. Avoid swimming pools and tanning beds for two weeks after the procedure. If you have ever broken out with a cold sore at anytime of your life, you carry a herpes virus, which can sometimes manifest itself in the form of a fever blister. Fever blisters may occur on the lips following lip procedures in individuals prone to this problem. In order to prevent this, you should obtain a prescription and take as prescribed by your doctor. L-Lysine, an over the counter amino acid, has also been taken in order to help avoid this outbreak, but always check with your physician. Lip color retention varies widely between clients. Factors such as genetics, sun exposure/damage, lip tissue health, scar tissue, fever blisters, and implants may impact color retention. Be sure to schedule your lip touch up 6-8 weeks following your procedure to maximize color retention.

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